Thursday, December 31, 2009

On the Eve of 2010

Maaan, 2009 is over. It's funny how most of us live our lives one year at a time. We think just because the date changes back to a hypothetical "0" there's room for optimism, and that here's another chance to get 'my' shit together. And so it should be. It should be that way because we all need something "new" to look forward to, mainly to give our lives some sense of purpose. With that said, I encourage everyone to do that, but look forward to the IMPOSSIBLE. Not the same ol' shit. I get to thinking, just because you were born BLIND and couldn't see since birth, that doesn't mean that the ability to see doesn't exist, because there are people out there who can. It's just not apart of YOUR reality in life to see. Likewise, if your DEAF, that doesn't mean sound doesn't exist, it's just that you lack that sense/power. So what makes us think that the impossible can never exist for us when there are so many IMPOSSIBLE things around us, just because you've been living an uninspired and mundane life doesn't mean that you will never be an icon. You have to make it your reality, fight tirelessly to live out your dreams in 2010. You only live a couple of minutes anyway. So in 2010, make it--worth living.

1 comment:

  1. Each day should be an opportunity for a fresh new beginning for everyone. Instead of completely changing in one day for the whole year, evolve each day of each year! I love your blog!
